Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【13】——Bitcoin Natural Growth Curve
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur For ease of understanding, add some explanations of basic financial concepts. There is...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【12】——Realize the Solutions of Bitcoin Dollar Standard
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur Economists describe the problem; entrepreneurs solve it. The Bitcoin system is ugly as...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【11】——The global consensus requires an official consense
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur Bitcoin started as an air phase with only cost and no price, and the air-to-value...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【8】——Satoshi Nakamoto's intention
What is Satoshi Nakamoto's intention, the stored value, or the application debate? ——Also, Auburn Satoshi is not Satoshi Nakamoto ZWS(Zhu...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【7】——One Person or a Team
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur 7.1 Design and programming implemented by one person The initial first version of...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【6】——Is Satoshi Nakamoto passed away or alive and kicking?
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur Since the early deposit address of Bitcoin has remained untouched for a long time,...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【5】——Satoshi Nakamoto is a Cypherpunk
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur 5.1 Cypherpunk’s community are the cradle of Bitcoin What is punk in the first place?...

Bitcoin Studies: Finding Nakamoto Satoshi【1】
ZWS(Zhu Weisha), a Famous Chinese Entrepreneur 1.1 The way to find Satoshi Nakamoto The matter of who Satoshi Nakamoto is has been...

What’s basic crypto knowledge that most people don't know?
This article was adapted from Bankless with original link here @LocationStation: Crypto is not the stock market. Not all cryptos are...

10 Psych Hacks for Investing
This article was adapted from Bankless with original link here Graphic by Logan Craig #1 - Nothing is Free There is no such thing as a...